
A sphero update

In the tangible group, we have now been able to establish connection between the sphero driver and the web site through the gateway. In Figure 1, the sphero is green, that means the connection is established with the web site. After this stage we can use the different command buttons. One click on the "set color to blue" button and the sphero goes blue, as seen in Figure 2.

Figure 1 - Connected.

Figure 2 - Successful color change!

The command to make a sphero change color is fully functioning in our system. This, however, is as far as the sphero driver by default was supporting in terms of different commands. The next step for us (Samuel and Alexandra) will therefore be to implement other commands in the driver (commands that the Sphero API supports), such as the SetSpinLeft and SetSpinRight commands. Each new command will from now on require additional code in both the driver, the gateway and to the web page.

Figure 3. A simple overview of the tangible communication. Both the sphero driver and the driver for the Sifteo Cubes communicate with a gateway. The gateway handles all the communication to and from the website. ('Hemsida' = Swedish for website ;-)

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