
User stories from the projector group

Hello, time for an update over how the shared workspace is going to work!

I am going to describe the whole process from connecting with webrtc to using the workspace.

When connecting to the "room" or your friend or whatever you want to call it you need to setup the workspace that are going to be shared. A projector and camera is mounted on the roof looking down on your table. Before you can see your friends' workspaces you need to decide how much of your own table is going to be part of the shared workspace. All participator need to have the same dimensions of the workspace to be able to merge them. The first user can draw a rectangle and thus decide the dimensions of the workspace, the other users must then draw a rectangle with the same dimensions. From the beginning the dimensions is going to be fixed and the way you resize the workspace is with a QR-code or something else that are easy to detect. When you have drawn your workspace the other participators workspaces is merged and projected on your workspace. You can now start drawing and all the participators will see everything.

Now when we are up and running you might want to be able to disable the projection from one or more of the other participators. To be able to this you will see each participators workspace in small windows beside your own workspaces. Much like layers in photoshop. These windows will work as buttons and thus you can disable/enable others workspaces with a single touch. There will also be such buttons for other things like save the current workspace to an image. This image can later be projected and continued worked on for example.

See our other blog posts for some images and videos how it is going and how it is supposed to work.

All this work is divided into user stories that are going to be implemented as the time goes. The user stories is in no particular order and the list may be extended when ideas arise.
  • As a user I want to be able to resize workspace window
  • As a user I want to be able to do all preparations when connecting
  • As a user I want to be able to decide the proportions of the workspace
  • As a user I want buttons
  • As a user I want to enable/disable workspaces
  • As a user I want to be able to save the workspace
  • As a user I want to be able to project a saved workspace
  • As a developer I want to merge video streams
  • As a developer I want to be able to map coordinates
  • As a developer I want to transform the image
  • As a developer I want to be able to detect hand movements to see if a button is pushed
  • As a developer I want to be able to automatically detect the projected window
If you have any additional features you want to have implemented please make a comment and let us know. We really appreciate all kind of feedback. If you have any good idea how to easily implement anything in the user stories please take time and make a comment. 

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