
Release 1 aka "Arnold"

It's finally time for our first release.

To be able to try it out, you first have to properly configure your computer. To be able to use the tangible items, you have to install some applications. For this release you will be limited to Sifteo support. For the shared workspace you will also need a projector and web camera.

To simply use the video conferencing capabilities, follow these instructions:
  1. Use Google Chrome.
  2. Open chrome://flags/ and enable PeerConnection.
  3. Make sure your webcam is functioning (e.g. by testing it at this site).
You may now use the website without Sifteo support. Sifteos have only been tested on Windows 7. They are also available for OS X but this has not been tested.

To use the Sifteos:
  1. Install Siftdev. This is a developer version of the normal Siftrunner application.
  2. Make sure Java is installed.
  3. Install Mono.
  4. Download and extract Tangibles-Release1.zip.
  5. Open run_TangibleAPI.bat. If it's working you will see "TANGIBLE_API_READY" at the bottom of the console window.
  6. Open run_SiftDriver.bat. If your Mono version is not 2.10.9, then you first have to edit run_SiftDriver.bat and update the path.
  7. Connect at least three Sifteos in Siftdev.
  8. Load app in Siftdev. Menu: Developer -> Load Apps -> select Sifteo directory.
  9. Press Play.
  10. The Sifteos should now work. Enjoy.
To enable shared workspace:
  1. Set up a projector and web camera, preferably in the roof, pointing down on your table.
  2. (Optional) Print out or draw Left marker and Right marker on two separate papers. These will be used to move(Left) and resize(Right) the share workspace by moving them around on the table in front of your camera.
  3. Press enter or press with the mouse anywhere in the browser to finish the workspace configuration
  4. Make sure to select the proper webcam when opening the workspace view.
This should now be working but you may have to adjust the distance of your projector and camera to get the optimal settings. We will show you how to do this at a later time.

The release is live at tangible.se. We hope to see you there.

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